Price of a Trade License in Dubai: A Complete Guide To Trade License Costs and Fees In Dubai, UAE

Starting a business in the Venice of Gulf, aka Dubai, means navigating through the maze of trade license fees and associated costs. A trade license is a must-have for any company wanting to operate legally in the region.

This guide promises clear insights into types of licenses, steps for obtaining one, and what you’ll likely pay. Know what a trade license is and get ready to unlock the secrets to your business success in Dubai!

Understanding Trade License in Dubai, UAE

Now that we’ve introduced the topic, let’s know what is a trade license in Dubai. In Dubai, a trade license is like your business’s passport. It allows you to do your work legally in the city and shows that you follow local laws. The license is a document of utmost importance for any business. In short, business licenses are valid documents that act as proofs of legitimacy for businesses. 

If you want to run any kind of business here, you must have this license from the Department of Economic Development. It is one of the main licenses in Dubai that the DED authorizes. 

Getting this license proves that your business plans are clean and approved by the government. Without it, you can’t sell things, offer services or perform manufacture of products in Dubai. Keep in mind; each business activity might need its own special permissions and papers.

So, if your company does different things, it may need more than one type of approval to operate smoothly within the UAE’s rules.

Price of a Trade License in Dubai: Different Types of Business Licenses in Dubai, UAE

Dubai offers a diverse spectrum of business licenses tailored to different sectors and entrepreneurial needs, ensuring every venture finds its regulatory fit. Entrepreneurs can navigate through options that best align with their business objectives, whether it involves trade, professional consultancy, industrial production, or other specialized commercial activities in Dubai. The price of trade license in Dubai varies depending on the type of business. Lets get to know the Dubai trade license types: 

Commercial Trade License

Out of all the licenses available in Dubai for businesses, a commercial trade license is one of the most popular ones. A commercial trade license is a must-have for businesses located in Dubai that wish to carry out commercial activities, i.e., those who want to sell goods or offer services in Dubai. You need the commercial license in Dubai if you plan on doing any kind of buying and selling, importing, exporting, packaging, or contracting work.

It’s perfect for traders who deal in retail, export and import of merchandise or similar activities, logistics companies, and general business stores.

To get one, follow the steps set by the DED. They will look at your application to make sure everything is in order. The trade license cost in Dubai changes depending on what you want to do with your business.

You might pay different fees like registration charges and trade name advertisement costs. Remember that having a valid lease contract from Ejari is also required as part of the process.

Professional Business License

In case you are interested in art, a professional business license is the way to go. A Professional Business License in Dubai is for experts like artists, designers, consultants, and teachers. This license lets you have full control of your business. You don’t need a local partner or sponsor to run your work.

People who want to do their job from home can get an e-commerce license too. It falls under the professional category and makes it easy to sell things online without extra office space.

Shuraa Business Setup helps people understand how to get this type of license. They offer advice on each step and make sure you meet all rules for a smooth start in Dubai’s market.

With a professional license for business, you can own 100% of your company and provide services directly to clients.

Industrial Trade License

To make things in Dubai and sell them, you need an industrial trade license. This is for big places that make or change goods using machines. You go to the DED, and they give you this license if you follow the rules.

The price starts at AED 12,000* but can go up depending on what your business does.

Getting this industrial license is a key step if you want to grow your company with foreign money or partners in the UAE. It opens doors to do business both inside Dubai and with other countries.

Next, let’s see how a tourist business benefits from having its own trade license.

Tourist Business License

If you want to show travelers the best of Dubai, you will need a tourist business license. This lets you set up tours, travel agencies, or hospitality services. The Department of Economic Development in Dubai checks and says yes to these licenses. For your company’s association memorandum to get a stamp of approval from the notary public is important.

After getting this license, it becomes easier to join and get involved in the tourism industry, which is thriving. Next up is understanding home business licensing for those wishing to operate from their residence.

Home Business License

Moving beyond the tourist sector, a home business license is also key for those looking to operate from their residence. This type of permit allows entrepreneurs to designate the activities specific to the business and perform them without needing a physical office space outside their home.

It’s ideal for startups and solo ventures such as freelance writers, designers, or consultants.

For people who plan to sell products or offer services online, the home business license is a good fit. The process of obtaining this license includes steps like choosing your business activity and registering your business name.

You must meet all license requirements just like other businesses, but you can save money on renting office spaces since you’ll be working from home.

Importance of Having a Trade License

Securing a trade license is vital for legitimizing your business operations in Dubai, opening up an array of possibilities to expand within the region’s competitive marketplace. A licensed enterprise stands on solid ground to foster growth, leverage local and international markets, and attract discerning investors who value compliance and authenticity.

Boosting Sales through International and National Trade

Having a trade license in Dubai opens doors to the global market. It lets you do business with other countries and regions. This can greatly increase your sales. You are able to trust international trade because of the good reputation Dubai has for doing business.

Companies also find it easier to sell products inside the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A Dubai trade license shows that your company follows local rules. People and other businesses feel more comfortable buying from you.

They know you have official permission to sell your products or services in Dubai.

Enhancing Brand Image and Credibility

Getting a trade license in Dubai shows your customers that your business is serious and trustworthy. This can help them feel better about buying from you or working with you. A good brand image means people know and respect your business, which can lead to more sales.

A trade license also proves that you meet the high standards for businesses in Dubai. When people see that you follow these rules, they are more likely to think of your company as professional and reliable.

This trust can help you stand out from others who do not have their licenses.

Tax Exemptions and Benefits

In Dubai, you keep more money in your pocket because there are no personal taxes. This means when you make money from your business that carries out activities of any kind, the government does not take a part of it as tax.

Businesses also enjoy no corporate tax. So when your company makes profits, you can take all that money back home or use it to grow your business even more. These benefits help you save and invest without worrying about big tax bills.

Now let’s say you start a small business in Dubai. You get to use these fantastic tax savings along with being in a great place for business with awesome roads, buildings, and rules that help entrepreneurs succeed.

And next up, we’ll talk about how to actually get your trade license in Dubai so you can start enjoying these perks.

Sponsorship and Investment Opportunities

Having a trade license in Dubai opens the door to teaming up with local partners. These partnerships can help grow your business. They bring knowledge and networks that you might not have on your own.

Business setup consultants can also provide a big push forward. They know how things work and can guide you well.

Big investors like seeing that you have all the right papers, including a trade license. This shows them that you are serious and they can trust putting money into your company. With no corporate tax and being able to send profits home without trouble, Dubai is great for attracting people who want to invest in good ideas.

Next, let’s walk through how to get your business license step by step.

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Business License in Dubai

Navigating the path to business legality in Dubai requires a carefully charted course, but fret not—our step-by-step guide outlines the proactive actions needed for entrepreneurs to secure their trade license with confidence.

Dive into each detailed phase, from choosing your economic jurisdiction to the final submission of your application, and move closer to establishing your footprint in Dubai’s bustling marketplace.

Selecting Economic Jurisdiction

Choosing the right place in Dubai to set up your business is a big deal. It can change how much you pay and what rules you follow. Dubai has special areas called free zones where businesses can have full ownership from other countries.

These areas offer good deals like not paying some taxes and being able to send money back home easily.

But if you choose to start your company outside these free trade zones, things are different. You might need a local partner who owns part of your company. Also, each area in Dubai could have its own benefits for different kinds of businesses.

Think about where customers will find you best and what kind of business you are running before deciding on the location of the company. This choice affects your costs, taxes, and how easy it is for people to reach your services or products.

Choosing Business Activity

Before starting your business, you must pick what your business will do in Dubai. Different activities need different types of trade licenses. Think about what you want to sell or the service you want to offer. Your choice can be a shop, an online business, or offering professional advice.

Make sure your plan matches one of the license types: commercial, professional, industrial, tourist, or home business.

After deciding on your activity, check if you meet all rules and needs for that type of work in Dubai. This could mean looking at laws for health and safety or getting special permits if needed.

The right activity choice leads to smooth sailing ahead like picking a good name for your company.

Registering a Company Name

Picking a name for your company is a key step in setting up and conducting business in Dubai. Make sure the name you choose follows Dubai’s rules and shows what your business does. It cannot be the same as any other company’s name.

Once you have a unique name, apply to register it with the Department of Economic Development (DED).

They will check if the name is already taken or not allowed. If it’s okay, they’ll reserve it for you. This makes sure no one else can take it while you get your trade license ready.

Remember that having this trade name locked down is needed before moving on to getting initial approvals and other steps to begin your business.

Obtaining Initial Approvals

Before you can move forward with your business setup in Dubai, the government must approve your plans. You need a solid business plan showing what you want to do. Also, make sure you have passport and visa copies for everyone involved in your company.

If someone is already working in Dubai, they’ll need a paper from their boss saying it’s okay to start this new business.

Next up is finding an office space to rent where your business will be. This location will be part of your trade license details, so pick wisely!

Renting Office Space

To get a business license, you must have office space. This is a rule for everyone who wants to run a company there. You can rent an actual office or pick a virtual office if that works better for your business.

Free zone and mainland companies need different kinds of offices.

You can find many places to rent on popular streets like Sheikh Zayed Road. Whether you choose a small desk or a big building, the type of space you go for should fit what your company does and how many people work for you.

Renting the right place is key because it’s part of the licensing process and helps set up your business properly in Dubai.

Requesting the Memorandum of Association

You need a Memorandum of Association (MOA) to get your business license. This document is very important. It tells about your company’s structure, what it does, and who owns it.

The DED looks at the MOA closely when you apply for a license. They check if everything in it is okay.

The MOA also helps decide how much you pay for your trade license. It shows where your company is and what kind of business you do. After getting the MOA ready, make sure all shareholders sign it.

Notarization might be needed too, which means an official will check that signatures are real.

Now you’re set to move on to getting approvals from other parts of the government.

Getting External Approvals

Sometimes your business needs a nod from other departments in Dubai. This happens after you get the first OK from DED. You might have to talk to the health, safety, or environment agencies, depending on what your business does.

It’s like getting a thumbs up from them to make sure you meet all their rules.

Make sure to collect these approvals before moving ahead. Going one by one can save time and keep things smooth. Once each department says “yes,” take those approvals back to DED. They will check everything and help you go forward with getting your trade license, i.e., if everything is okay, the approval will be the issued by the department.

Document Delivery

After you get the initial approvals for your Dubai business license, you need to deliver some important papers. The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) needs these documents to check and make sure everything is okay.

You must give them items like your application form and proof of identity. You can hand in these papers in person or send them through a secure e-mail system.

Once DED has all your documents, they will look at them carefully. If everything is good, they will tell you to go ahead with the final steps. This means filling out your final application so that you can start doing business in the UAE.

After document delivery, it’s time to finish up your license paperwork and get ready for new customers!

Completing the Final Application

Once all documents have been delivered, the next step is to fill out the final application for your trade license. You’ll need to provide detailed information about your business and make sure everything you submit is correct.

This includes checking that the name of your company is registered correctly and matches with all paperwork. The DED in Dubai will look at this application closely.

You must also include all approvals from government entities and agencies that you have gathered along the way. Make sure these are complete because without them, you can’t obtain a Dubai trade license.

Once you hand in the full application, it’s time to wait for a response from the authorities before moving onto what comes next – understanding how much it will cost to obtain your trade license.

Understanding the Cost of a Trade License in Dubai

The cost of a business license depends on its type. To put it more simply, it depends on what kind of business you want to do. If you choose a commercial, professional, industrial or tourism license, the price will change.

You also need to think about where your business will be; in a free zone or not. Free zones can offer special benefits but may have different fees.

You need to pay for more than just the license. There are charges for registering your trade name and making an association memorandum. Also, if you rent an office, there’s the cost for that space.

Sometimes, there are extra fees when you get approvals from government departments. All these things add up to the total cost of getting your business started in Dubai.

Renewing a Trade License in Dubai

Renewing your trade license in Dubai demands timely attention to maintain business compliance and continuity, which is why our guide offers detailed insights into the renewal process.

Leasing Contract

You need a current lease to renew your trade license in Dubai. Make sure the contract for your office space is up to date. It is important that you know you require this for the renewal application.

Your leasing agreement shows that you have a real place of business. It must be from a recognized location in Dubai. The government checks this to make sure your business has somewhere to work from.

Application for License Renewal

Firms in Dubai must renew their trade licenses every year to keep doing business legally. If a company does not apply for renewal on time, it could have to pay fines or stop its business activities.

To start the renewal process, a business has to fill out the right forms and give up-to-date details about their activities.

After filling out the forms, businesses need to submit them along with any required documents. They also have to show that they still have a valid lease contract. Once all this is done, they make the payment for license fees.

This finishes the renewal process and helps companies avoid legal trouble and keep working in Dubai without any breaks.

Payment Completion

You need to pay for your trade license renewal in Dubai. The cost is the same as when you first got it. For an LLC, the cost of renewing stands between AED 8,000* and 15,000*. Make sure all fees are clear before you start this process.

After you choose to close your company, there’s a fee too. It costs AED 520* to get a paper that says your business is closed and who the liquidator is. This shows everyone that your company has ended in the right way.


Getting your trade license in Dubai is a key step for business establishment. The process is clear, and many business licenses are available. Costs start around AED 12,000* but can vary. 

Remember to renew your license on time to keep your business running smoothly. Also, as mentioned earlier, there are a variety of licenses available, which is why you should make sure to choose the one that best suits your business. If you require help, get in touch with company formation experts for guidance on related matters. Start planning today to be able to able to start your dream company in Dubai or anywhere across the UAE!


1. How much does a Dubai trade license cost?

The cost of a Dubai trade license varies based on business structure, like if it’s an LLC or a sole proprietorship, and other factors such as the type and location of the business.

2. What do I need to get a trade license in Dubai?

To obtain a trade license in Dubai, you’ll need identification, details about your business enterprise like its name for registration, and to decide where it will be – maybe on Sheikh Zayed Road or in Jafza Freezone.

3. Can e-commerce platforms operate without a DED business license in Dubai?

No! E-commerce businesses must have a valid electronic commerce license to legally sell products and services online in Dubai.

4. Is there any tax-free benefit to having my company in the UAE?

Yes! In many cases, businesses enjoy multiple tax-free benefits, which makes UAE a popular destination for setting up new businesses. However, corporate tax has recently been made applicable by the government.

5. Do costs differ for different types of companies when getting licensed in Dubai?

Yes! Different company types such as offshore companies or public joint-stock companies may have varying fees for licensing due to different requirements and services needed.

6. If I want to close my business, are there costs involved?

Yes, certain costs are applicable for closure. If you decide to start liquidating your company or go through company dissolution, there might be costs related to that process such as stamp duty or legal fees.

This blog is intended for informational purposes only. The content is provided “as is” and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding its accuracy, completeness, or suitability. Any reliance on the information is at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of this blog.

* – Fees and Costs Mentioned are for Reference Only.

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