UAE’s New Domestic Worker Law

The UAE’s New Domestic Worker Law: What It Means For Employers, Employees and Recruitment Agency

“The Federal Legislative Decree No. 9 of 2022 on domestic workers came into force on December 15, 2022,” the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization announced Wednesday.

Under the new Regulations Law, guidance has been issued on the roles of recruitment agencies, employers and domestic workers in the UAE.

Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) announced the new law and emphasized the importance of employers in providing a suitable environment for domestic workers. 

In the UAE, a domestic worker can only be employed if a license is first obtained from the MoHRE. 

Domestic workers must be over 18 years old, have the necessary health examinations and have an official employment contract. 

Violation of the law  can result in employers being fined up to AED 200,000. Recruitment agencies face fines of up to 10 million UAE dirhams for various violations of the law. 

Federal law defines mandatory requirements for working time and weekly rest for domestic workers. 

Weekends, at least 12 hours of rest per day, and at least 30 days of annual leave 

If the domestic worker wants to spend his annual holiday in his home country, the employer must pay the price of the return ticket once every two years. 

If both parties agree to terminate the employment contract after the domestic worker’s annual holiday, the employer is only responsible for the cost of the return ticket. 

Federal law also states that domestic workers must be allowed to keep official records. 

MoHRE explained the responsibilities of recruitment agencies, employers and domestic workers in a tweet. 

In a tweet, MoHRE explained the responsibilities of recruitment agencies, employers and domestic workers. See the responsibilities highlighted by MoHRE below. 

 Responsibilities of the UAE Recruitment Agency  

  •  A domestic worker is not  recruited from the home country unless she has been informed of the nature of her work, salary and other benefits. Evidence of their fitness, health, psychological and professional status should also be provided before employment. 
  •  The necessary health examinations of domestic workers must be carried out no later than 30 days before entering the country. 
  • Recruitment agencies must offer an alternative worker or reimburse the recruitment fees to the employer if the contract has been violated or if the worker has proven incompetent or shows inappropriate personal behavior. 

  Responsibilities of the employer in the UAE

  • To provide the worker with the necessary requirements to fulfill the agreed duties, including adequate accommodation, food and clothing 
  • To treat the domestic worker properly, respecting her dignity and physical integrity, and to pay her in accordance with the agreed  employment contract 
  • To cover the employee’s medical expenses or provide medical insurance in accordance with the applicable law under.

 Responsibilities of Domestic Workers in the UAE  

  • Employees must perform work in accordance with the instructions and supervision of the employer and the employment contract and must not interrupt work without reasonable reason.
  • Consider the culture and traditions of UAE society and follow common decency and the  instructions of the employer when performing the agreed work, unless it violates the contract, law or public morality and exposes them to danger or legal liability. 
  • Respect the privacy of the workplace; keep the property of the employer, tools and everything else in his possession.

The new domestic worker law in the UAE will come into effect on December 15, 2022. It is an important milestone for human rights in the UAE, and it will go a long way toward providing much-needed security and stability for domestic workers in the country. The law is an important milestone for human rights in the UAE, and it will go a long way toward providing much-needed security and stability for domestic workers in the country.

The new law is a sign of the UAE’s commitment to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all workers in the country. The new law ensures that employers should have a written contract with their domestic employees when they are hired, as well as other key provisions such as health benefits, overtime pay and compensation for injuries or death caused by their employer or another person under their control.

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